At one point or the other, women have had that “magical” tingle-slash-thrill over the start of new relationships. Correction: could-be-relationships. The most exhilarating of all (and the most ego-boosting) is when a random Oh-my-God-he’s-so-hot guy comes up to you at a bar to ask for your phone number at the most unexpected of moments.
I was lucky enough to have had that sort of experience while I was out with girlfriends (while bitching about a recent big bad break up), and I couldn’t sum up the experience better than: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt!!!!
What’s dangerous is when we mistake the flirtation for something possibly more than what it really is. When we feel like we’ve met our match and are challenged by certain charismatic individuals (read: pigs masquerading as men who want you for what seems to be more than one night of passion), we are in danger of slipping down the slippery slope to, well, er, infatuation. One must guard against this deplorable weakness lest it turn one into an over-analyzing, nihilistic, jaded idiot (read: me, right now).
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