Sunday, November 2, 2008
Blooferlady's Response to Going Ice Queen
Side comment: keep a safe distance (a five-mile radius will do). Seriously, they're dangerous people. When on the red zone, again, follow old Eraserheads credo: shake yer head and walk away.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Going Ice Queen hurts everytime
In the span of time that it takes for twenty-four frames to cross the screen, I crossed over to the bittersweet realization that I now had to retreat behind my jaded walls of not giving a rats ass over anyone. I had to go ice queen mode lest a harmless infatuation turn into another black hole of drunken nights wondering what the hell was wrong with me.
So there I was, now at the point where I had to say a mental goodbye to something that could have been, simply because it could not ever be. He was, after all, engaged.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Guide back to apathy
1. When feeling unlovable, ugly and insignificant - call up a friend:
Literal lifelines are what they are during these times. They will remind you that you are allowed to wallow in your mudhole of self-pity but that you are still beautiful, worthy of proper love and one helluva catch that the miserable loser, whoever he is, allowed to get away.
2. When emotions threaten to drown your capacity for flippant apathy:
Put down the menthols, stop the hunger strike and take a swig of that Jack Daniels bottle next to you. Dying of malnutrition will not help you get back into the swing of things. Numbing the memory cells though, will help you live through a few more hours of undefinable pain.
3. When all else fails and your emotions refuse to disappear:
Allow yourself to be an attention whore. Give it an hour or two. You will soon tire of it - trust me. And with boredom comes apathy. Luv it!
Blooferlady's Guide To Apathy:
1. Vodka or coffee with the ladies. Gossiping about other people and mocking The System is the best distraction.
2. Soundtripping. *Note: This varies with your current state of mind. Blooferlady has found that Bob Marley is the ultimate cure to depression--DON'T ever listen to Sugarfree's Dramachine, Blooferlady shits you not. When je-je-jaded, Billie Holiday, Sitti Navarro, and Bessie Smith. When enraged, the noisier the better (recommended bands: Korn, Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers).
3. Follow old Eraserheads credo: Shake your head and walk away. *Addendum: Sometimes it's more effective if you scratch your head and blurt out "tanginang yan..." under your breath at the same time. Source: Don Vincent Celis.
4. Sleep and couch til next week.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Response to ultimate break-up songs
Woodbeetle desperately needs a double vodka mix with the ladies....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Ultimate Break Up Songs
And when I'm done with my 5th double Kurant 7...
And when I get to my Nth (and business cards are in order)...
And when whatever tryst with what's-his-name becomes complicated, as all watchamacallits tend to turn out...
Note: Also posted at
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Long hair
At one point or the other, women have had that “magical” tingle-slash-thrill over the start of new relationships. Correction: could-be-relationships. The most exhilarating of all (and the most ego-boosting) is when a random Oh-my-God-he’s-so-hot guy comes up to you at a bar to ask for your phone number at the most unexpected of moments.
I was lucky enough to have had that sort of experience while I was out with girlfriends (while bitching about a recent big bad break up), and I couldn’t sum up the experience better than: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt!!!!
What’s dangerous is when we mistake the flirtation for something possibly more than what it really is. When we feel like we’ve met our match and are challenged by certain charismatic individuals (read: pigs masquerading as men who want you for what seems to be more than one night of passion), we are in danger of slipping down the slippery slope to, well, er, infatuation. One must guard against this deplorable weakness lest it turn one into an over-analyzing, nihilistic, jaded idiot (read: me, right now).
The big M-word
There are always three people in a marriage. From the moment they say their "I do's" until death or divorce do them part, the couple will always have the shadow of that third party to contend with. And by third party I mean the state.
Not to mention the church. And the families, in the Filipino setting. It's a circus out there.
Excerpt from one of Ally McBeal's closing speeches:
"Love in itself is insane. 'He's mad about her.' 'She's crazy about him.' 'He's fallen ass over tea kettle.' What does that expression even mean, 'ass over tea kettle'? It's nonsensical!
...But once you take vows... We start taking it seriously. Once love turns into a marriage, it becomes an institution."
Legal bonds. Compromising. Asset-sharing. Vows. Lifetime commitment. Fidelity. The right of the spouse to fuck you anytime, anywhere, regardless of how you feel about it. The right of the spouse to demand to produce heirs, again, regardless of how you feel about it. The whole thing is a circus. I'm sorry, but at this moment in time, I don't wanna be a freak. Not yet, at least.
And I seriously do not get why married relatives are worried about us being free and happily single. I do not understand how they could complain about their spouses, and their married lives and yet when they start talking about us, they put on this all-concerned, sorry faces. Seriously.
Pucha. Amen. Wala na akong masabi. Everybody love everybody.
But don't get me wrong. If two people are seeing eye to eye, and they see all this, and decide to get married anyway, I think it's awesome.
Okay, romanticism stops here. Back to being cynical. Punyeta silang lahat, lahat ng mga namre-mressure saken to get married now na (on the premise that the biological clock is ticking and all that blah).
The answer to that biological-clock-is-ticking premise is technology. And of course, money. I'd rather spend millions on that if I really want to, than see myself trapped in a legal agreement forever. And I mean, no-way-out foreverrrr!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Riddle Me These
Women go to the washroom in packs. (This may very well be proof enough—I may be male.)
People’s sensitivity chips conk out when they feel they have to comment on your appearance. The greeting I hate the most: Tumataba ka…!?
Tipsy people when going to the washroom to pee do the I-can-walk walk.
The Philippines will be run by President Noli De Castro, Vice President Bong Revilla, Jr. or Vilma Santos or JV Ejercito, and most of my countrymen will be so happy about the case and that the sector who will be vehemently against the mere thought won’t be voting at all.
You can liken watching drunks to watching Bambi learning how to walk, or stand up.
Every driver on a highway is convinced that every other driver on that same highway is an idiot.
All subordinates reporting to lenient supervisors are aggressive whiners.
Cats don’t turn their heads around when you call their name. Just like teenagers.
Everybody condescendingly understands-and-is-annoyed-by-people who use the following excuse: I’m in love. (How can you argue with that?)
There are situations in life wherein scratching/shaking your head is the only way to pacify yourself. There are people who illicit this exact same reaction from others as well.
Most irate customers are stupid.
For every couple in a relationship, the man’s job is to be the headache, and the woman has to do the incessant nit-picking. I’m amazed at how some marriages even work.
Life has a natural way of making couples adapt to their marriages. We lose our sense of hearing so we could block out the nagging and all the noise the other makes, and in turn, the others become forgetful.
As women grow older, life leaves them with harsher perspectives of younger women. (The war is on between the teenagers, the twenty-somethings, and the thirty-somethings!)
The number one rule in suburban competition: It’s never a test of skills, but of who wants it more.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Allow me to use three nationalities as examples.
Greeks, mestizo Spaniards and Indians seem to have something in common - their beautiful deep set eyes and their charm. (Before you rise up in arms, I will state that Filipino men have these attributes regardless of whatever. It is a given and including them would make all this sound redundant.)
Yes, their women are attractive, but right now, it's the men I want to focus on.
So far, and from what I've seen anyway, the men of these countries have a strong sense of self, are quick to bring out the charm in whatever form they deem useful at the time, and know, just innately know that they are irresistable.
And its not just the looks mind you, it's their take no prisoners approach to wooing the womenfolk - whether by sugar laden outright flattery, shock treatment bordering on obnoxiousness or a raw display of their many, many "talents" - these guys will make sure they get the intended results. That is of course, undivided attention bordering on adoration and possibly, if things went well, a hook up for the evening.
Women within a ten foot radius are reduced to simpering, jelly like beings.
Author excluded - which is not to say that I do not appreciate the occasional charming sentence thrown my way - hey, only human!
One should be careful when handling men of this nature...blessed with good looks, innate charm and charisma, they make for wonderful adversaries who should be treated as one would a mousetrap - inspect it, have a bit of a sniff of the bait, and then walk around it and away.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Heat in the tropics
I think the heat makes people do strange things...and I'm now referring to more than one type of heat. People are more prone to shed unnecessary clothing in this weather. And that makes for (especially at the beach) fun people watching for both the ladies and gents. Happy happy joy joy surfer boys.
I end by quoting Will in Semi-Pro "Lets get Tropical!!!"
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A Zafra moment
I should stop reading too much into these random encounters.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Best Things in Life are Over
Sometimes I get the feeling that I was born in the wrong era. I was born in 1981, and somehow, I missed out on the best things in life, namely:
The Sixties. The era of the hippies and their comfortable chic fashion, the age of flower power and strangely enough political oblivion at the same time. This was also when sex was just an emphatic way of saying hello (we really should honor tradition and practice this ritual more often, ladies, in response to Woodbeetle's Gender Discrimination post)
The Eraserheads and The Beatles. The music icons who aptly write your theme songs. They have the ability to put all your hang ups, heartbreaks, frustrations, dreams and plans into music and carefully chosen words.
Friends, Ally McBeal, The Wonder Years, Perfect Strangers, Murphy Brown, Boy Meets World, Cheers, Who's the Boss, etc. It's over. Ít's all oveeer!!! God damn it.
Bar None. Why they stopped selling Bar None's, I have no idea, but whoever was behind its untimely demise should go to jail for killing it.
I somehow suddenly hate you for mentioning the flower power and casual sex depresses me to think that were we born in the western hemisphere during the sixties that we would have had access to quality vintage peasant blouses and guilt free sex.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Gender discrimination on casual sex
It has been embedded in our consciousness since childhood that a girl should keep her purity intact until her wedding day. We now forgive the modern gal for engaging in pre-marital sex with her current beau as it is now commonplace and something most couples engage in anyway. But the story takes a different turn when we hear of a girl who is not in a serious relationship but opts instead to have the male friend with benefits. In colloquial terms, a fubu.
Call it what you will, but it stands that society still sadly frowns on this behavior if it is carried on by a woman. Warm blooded men who practice the art of fubu are forgiven. Gay men are forgiven as well as they are actually expected to be loose and promiscuous (no offence to the gay community meant as this fact was stated by a gay friend).
Women sneer at their own gender when they hear of such goings on but turn a blind eye when the males engage in casual sex. Unenlightened men view them as little more than tramps they’d like a taste of.
A gay friend of mine who has his own special friend, also surprisingly holds on to the belief that the girl is at the losing end of the deal. When asked why, he stated that girls, on top of being the ones who are expected to be pure, are more prone to becoming emotionally attached to their “special buddies”. He went on to explain that if the girl fell in love, and it didn’t work out the way she hoped, she was in jeopardy of losing her heart over a relationship that was intended to be purely physical in nature. In the end, she didn’t so much as lose physically, but more emotionally.